New Online Track Offerings for Remote Participation During COVID

Annual Gathering | October 3 – 8, 2021

If you would like to be part of the Annual Gathering and cannot be with us in Boston, you can now enroll for one of these distinctive, remote, week-long tracks. Most tracks will run concurrently to the US timing of the Annual Gathering so participants can attend the keynotes and evening sessions. There will also be one track on UK* and one on AUS** time zones for ease of engagement.

Online Track One
with Sheila Buechler & Kathrin O’Sullivan

Dancing With Complexity

How do we equip leaders to be more resilient and to keep growing their capacity to navigate the deeply complex challenges they and their organizations face? Kathrin and Sheila will share cutting-edge thinking in adult development, complexity theory and leadership embodiment, and a set of practices designed to uncover and shift habitual leadership patterns that support dancing with complexity. This track will be experiential, movement-based, and will center on a specific challenge you face in your own leadership or life with the aim of expanding your coaching and facilitation toolkit.

Online Track Two
with Paul Zonneveld & Mieke Jacobs

Systemic Intelligence and Organizational Constellations

In this track you will learn how seemingly small interventions lead to breakthroughs in complex, organizational challenges. Paul and Mieke have worked with organizations around the world for many years, researching the impact of systemic dynamics, on large organizations, leaders and top teams. In 2019 they published Emergent: The Power of Systemic Intelligence to Navigate the Complexity of M&A. This track will help you discern between the visible symptoms and the real underlying dynamics to identify the right intervention – the systemic acupuncture point – that will recreate flow in the team or organization.

Online Track Three
with Alexander Caillet & Amy Yeager

Team Coaching

Team coaching is the dynamic, complex and enlivening practice of working with a team in real time, on real work, to achieve real, measurable results. Alexander Caillet’s pioneering approach — established more than 25 years ago and since refined in collaboration with Amy Yeager, has been used with hundreds of teams internationally and taught to thousands of practitioners. Participants who take this track will get hands-on experience with this powerful discipline, utilizing time-tested frameworks, tools, and methods for assessing and improving team performance.

Online Track Four
with Nadjeschda Taranczewski

Creating Conscious Tribes

How do you create a Conscious Tribe, a collective in which people can realize their potential? How do you create an organization that people want to belong to, partner with and buy from? Nadjeschda will present an innovative assessment for collectives, taken from her forthcoming book The Conscious Tribe Playbook. By exploring the eight dimensions of the Conscious Tribe Wheel – the essential building blocks of a conscious collective, you will gain both concrete insights into your own collectives and a powerful roadmap for facilitating sustainable transformation in any client context.

Online Track Five
with Martin Boroson & Carmel Moore

The New Rules of Time

Everyone these days has trouble with time, but the irony is: No one knows what time really is. This track, profound and practical, upends your assumptions about time. Our mindful approach, based on the power of the present moment, helps you release limiting beliefs about time and design the days you really want. You’ll get a toolkit to use with clients, helping them make fundamental changes in their ‘operating model’ and build more effective, aligned, and happy teams. Led by Martin Boroson, creator of One Moment Meditation®, and Carmel Moore, former partner at EY.

Online Track Six
with Robin Alfred

Leading from The Future

Given the times we live in, increasingly leaders must operate from a place of sensing, intuiting and responding rather than predicting, planning and controlling. In this track Robin Alfred will facilitate an exploration of the true nature of the Future; the role intuition, imagination and inspiration play; and how to access these qualities to help clients catalyze a regenerative future. Robin is a seasoned trainer, facilitator and organizational consultant who has extensive experience in facilitating personal discovery, depth work and collective group intelligence, enabling emergence and the manifestation of transformational fields. (UK time zone)

Online Track Seven
with Lisa Doig

Values and Consciousness as a Pathway to Purpose

Lisa is a pioneer in the field of values, linking personal and organizational transformation with levels of consciousness. In this track, Lisa will share a powerful methodology of leader-transformation. Linked to the adult stages of development, the work integrates the Barrett 7 Levels of Consciousness Model. Through this frame, you will explore your top values and beliefs and how these inform your current challenges and, ultimately, deeper life purpose, with a view to guiding your clients to do the same. Particularly relevant for organizations seeking to be more purpose-led and values-driven, this track offers a roadmap. (AUS time zone)