Chris Tamdjidi serves as a Consultant at Mobius. He has spent the last 10 years focusing on Leadership development especially in the fields of authentic leadership and personal transformation. As a group facilitator, coach and consultant Chris is particularly enthused about helping individuals and organisations bring about the personal
and structural transformation that are required to lead and function in an authentic and successful way.
In addition to his work as a consultant, facilitator and coach, Chris has spent the last 5 years of his life building up three businesses. He feels it is important to also hold operative responsibility and lead in an authentic manner – to practice what he preaches. He is co-founder and Director of the Kalapa Leadership Academy which is focused on authentic leadership development through personal transformation, including in particular an emphasis on mind training. He is Director and Owner of a Hotel Management company which runs a castle hotel in southern Germany. The Hotel is focused on offering both mindfulness training and authentic leadership seminars, in addition to functioning as a normal Hotel with 30 employees. He also is Director of a non-profit training company which offers three years trainings to professionals in the fields of contemplative psychology and healthcare in
Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands.
Prior to this he worked for 6 years with the The Boston Consulting Group in the Munich, Kuala Lumpur and London offices. He specialized on the automotive and industrial goods practices and worked primarily on strategic, organizational change, marketing or new product development projects, as well as doing a lot of E-Commerce work. In addition he also spent 7 years as the Director of a European Network of 75 Meditation centres, during which
he immersed himself deeply in thousand year old methods of mind training and personal transformation.
Chris has a Degree in Physics from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and an MBA from UT in Austin. He grew up mainly in Asia and the Middle-East and is one of the first generation of people who have to look at their passport to remember what their nationality is. He is based in Germany, where he lives married with two lovely daughters.