The Challenge You face critical business interactions every day.
At this stage of seniority in an organization, you don’t just face the everyday worry of falling into The Performance Gap. You face the more critical need to have the internal strengths and external skills to lead in the most essential domain of any organization—the domain of human capital.
From mentoring the succession bench and working with the corporate board to shaping an organizational culture and keeping up with fast-paced global change, senior executives shape every aspect of your business with both their leadership strengths as well as their blinds spots. Yet many report that there are few people to whom they can turn with their own learning edges and few leadership development programs sophisticated enough to be truly of service to them.
That’s where Winning from Within™ for Leaders comes in. Based on close to fifteen years of experience teaching negotiation at Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation and consulting to global leaders in both Fortune 500 companies and the public sector, Winning from Within™ for Leaders is designed to support senior executives in their own unique developmental stage.
The Solution Winning from Within™ for Leaders
Blending century old wisdom with today’s best leadership practices and offering a unique and deep immersion into the process of personal development and professional mastery, Winning from Within™ for Leaders is a highly customized program anchored in real-life business cases and taught in an entirely applied and experiential manner.
The program uses transcripts of key conversations and a focus on the business relationships most essential to each executive to identify leadership blind spots and develop leadership muscles essential for their own optimal performance. Senior faculty members also take participants through the step model, explain the concepts behind the four key “inner negotiators” and coach with “real-play” cases of the business conversations that matter most.
What’s more, we ensure cross-functional work stream leaders and executive teams a private environment in which to bring forward their personal challenges, allowing an invaluable chance to address the long held habits of thinking and behavior that are impeding each team member’s performance or sense of satisfaction.