Angelique Skoulas is a facilitator, trainer and executive coach specializing in the areas of leadership, conflict management, and communication. She has worked with a variety of teams and organizations on identifying leadership competencies, and in designing and delivering learning initiatives. Her corporate experience spans the
healthcare, pharmaceutical and financial services industries and her governmental and non-profit clients include The National Institutes of Health, The Department of Defense, The Initiative for Diversity in Civic Leadership, and The Deans’ Institute of North America.
Angelique is an adjunct faculty member at Harvard School of Dental Medicine where she lectures on effective communication and leadership; and she is affiliated with the Harvard Mediation Program at Harvard Law School where she teaches mediation. Her practice is strongly influenced by her political and public policy work in Washington, DC. Along with her range of professional experiences, Angelique is guided by theories in interest-based negotiation developed by the Harvard Negotiation Project and by her work with Professor Ronald Heifetz, known for his seminal adaptive leadership model and author of Leadership Without Easy Answers.
Angelique began her career as a dentist, managing her dental practice in Santa Clara, California while also serving on the faculty of the University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry. Seeking to make a broader impact, she was awarded a Congressional Fellowship through the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She spent her year as a Fellow working for a leading Member of Congress and was hired as his senior health care
staffer following her fellowship. During her five years on Capitol Hill, Angelique developed expertise in several issue areas including health information privacy and senior health.
Angelique holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry in San Francisco, a Master’s in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University.