Ron Kertzner, a Mobius Senior Consultant and Executive Coach is also the co-founder of ChoicePoint Consulting, Inc. He blends his background in organizational development with his interfaith ministry to help individuals and organizations make conscious choices to produce truly meaningful results. Conscious choices implies enhanced self awareness, awareness of self in relationship to others, awareness of the impacts of one’s actions on one’s organization, community and larger society.
Ron brings this conscious awareness to his work as an executive coaching, leadership development specialist and organizational development consultant. Similar to his wife, Susan, Ron has coached hundreds of executives from CEOs, Corporate Officers and Vice Presidents to Directors and entrepreneurs over the past 20 years. He is certified in “Transformational Coaching” and integrates his experience in conflict resolution, collaborative leadership, emotional intelligence and personal mastery in his coaching.
Ron’s passion for teaching and inspiring others has led to leading courses at General Electric’s Management Development Institute, Intuit, Shell, International Paper and Aera Energy. At GE, he co-designed and launched a Collaborative Leadership Program which became a critical component at GE’s Management Development Course, a 3-week residential Leadership Development experience for GE’s “high potential” managers. He also created an “Advanced Facilitation and Leadership Program” and “Mastering Personal Leadership” Program for GE, a learning process that engaged participants for 6 to 9 months in developing their leadership potential. More recently, Ron played a critical role in the development of Intuit’s leadership development program.
In addition to his coaching and leadership development work, Ron also serves as a facilitator and consultant to high-level strategic meetings. He worked as a facilitator and consultant to numerous international and national conferences including The United Nations Democratic Dialogue Project, the Parliament of the World’s Religions and the United States Congress. He is currently working on co-creating the Gold Lake Institute: A Wisdom in Action Community, based in Boulder, Colorado.
He is the contributing author of Rediscovering the Soul of Business and Four Gateways Coaching. Over the past 20 years, he was worked as a facilitator, consultant, leadership development trainer for: General Electric • General Motors • Intuit • Aera Energy • International Paper • MIT Organizational Learning Center • US Environmental Protection Agency • Du Pont • Dow • EDS • Shell • Motorola • AT&T.
Ron is a graduate of Boston University School of Law and Duke University, where he majored in public policy. His post-graduate studies include The Program of Negotiation at the Harvard Law School, the Dialogue Project (part of the MIT Center for Organizational Learning), Global Presencing with Otto Scharmer of MIT and Shadow Work Training. In 2005, he was ordained as an interfaith minister through the OneSpirit Learning Alliance in New York.