Adam Kahane, Director of Reos Partners, is the author of Solving Tough Problems, a best-seller of which Nelson Mandela said, “This breakthrough book addresses the central challenge of our time: finding a way to work together to solve problems we have created.” We will be celebrating the launch of Adam’s latest book published just in time for the Summer Gathering.
To learn more about Adam’s work:
- Watch this half-hour video about the mistakes we make when we attempt to solve difficult problems with other people. In this inspiring talk, Adam introduces 3 steps that help people and teams to get unstuck.
- Watch the 5-minute exclusive Next Practice interview.
- Visit Reos Partners for publications, including instructions for practices such as the paired walk and to sign up for the blog
- Read excerpts from his book in the Mobius Strip: Collaborating with the Enemy (2017); Talking Cannot Replace Fighting (2016)